Jagdamba starts third country export

Jagdamba starts third country export

KATHMANDU, Feb 6 : For the first time in the Nepali industrial history, Jagdamba Steel has initiated third county export from today. According to the company, it exported colour-coated coils and sheets to the Southeast and Middle East Nations of Asia along with South Africa.

These products, which are already popular in the Nepali market, have now been encouragingly approved and highly demanded by the customers of these countries also, it is claimed.  

“Our major commitment and priority has always to ensure a greater level of consumer satisfaction through excellent quality. And, this has enabled us to not be Number 1 steel brand in the domestic market but to reach the international markets as well,” says  Shanker Lal Agrawal, Chairman, Shanker Group. Jagadamba steel is a subsidiary of this group. According to Agrawal, the very initiation of third country export has further spurred his company to set new new benchmarks in the country’s steel industry.