Export of agro products exceed their import

Export of agro products exceed their import

JHAPA, JULY 5: The import of agricultural products has exceeded their export amount via the Kakadbhitta Customs Point. In the last 11 months of the current fiscal year, such products worth Rs 8.67 billion were imported while the export of the same was valued at Rs 7.41 billion in the said period, according to the Quarantine Office, Kakadbhitta.


The black cardamom consisted of the highest amount of export. A total of 800 metric tonnes of black cardamom worth Rs 3.94 billion was exported in this period. The cardamom produced in Nepal is exported to India, Bangladesh, and Russia, according to senior agronomist Devindra Shahu.


Similarly, the export following the black cardamom is tea, lentil, amliso, ginger, medicinal herbs, plywood, wild garlic, etc. Shahu further said soybean is the largest import from this customs point. Seventy metric tons of soybean worth Rs 3.80 billion were imported from Bangladesh. The soybean is mostly used as livestock feed. The cereal amounting to over Rs 980 million and legumes of Rs 1.33 billion were imported in the same period.