Jyoti Bikash Bank, Daraz join hands to offer discounts

Jyoti Bikash Bank, Daraz join hands to offer discounts

KATHMANDU, NOVEMBER 4 : Jyoti BikashBank has signed an agreement with Nepal’s leading online marketplace Darazto provide discounts to customers for the upcoming Daraz 11.11 campaign. The agreement was signed today by Basanta Dahal, Head of Marketing and CRM, Jyoti Bikash Bank, and  Arun Phuyal, Head of Digital Payment and Partnership, Daraz Nepal.

Through this agreement, Daraz customers who shop during the biggest sale of the year, 11.11, will be able to save up to15% (max Rs. 2500) via a debit card of Jyoti Bikash Bank. For this, they need to activate their bank cards for e-commerce transactions. Through this agreement, customers of Jyoti Bikash Bank can can enjoy the full benefits of campaign discounts during 11.11, which is set to begin on 11th November 2022. 

The aforementioned prepayment discounts will only be live for a limited period during the campaign. Thus, customers are requested to act quickly and avail of the discounts as soon as the sale starts.