MetLife launches new insurance plan with midtern benefits

MetLife launches new insurance plan with midtern benefits

KATHMANDU, FEBRUARY 2: MetLife today launched the Midterm Growth (MTG) Insurance Plan an endowment life insurance plan that allows customers to receive a payout at the mid-point of their policy term. The new plan was launched in an official event in Kathmandu in the presence of General Manager of MetLife Nepal, Nirmal Kajee Shrestha along with Head of Asia Distribution, Young Ho Han and Head of Asia Agency, Marwan Matar.

Under the new plan, customers will receive 40% of the policy’s face amount once they get halfway through the policy term, meaning they get to access the endowment sooner, but are still covered for the remaining amount in the event of death. Beneficiaries of the plan will also receive double the policy’s face amount if death occurs after the policy’s mid-term.

During a launch event for the plan in Kathmandu, General Manager of MetLife Nepal, Nirmal Karee Shrestha said, “With great excitement, we introduce to our customers an insurance solution that allows them to live confidently and enjoy the benefits of the policy sooner and not just at the end of the term. We keep our customers at the center of everything we do, and as customers progress in their lives, this product provides uninterrupted protection with the benefit of doubled coverage when they’re more likely to need it.”