Infatuated with Innovation

Infatuated with Innovation

His entry into the Information and Communication Technology sector was strictly coincidental. “Way back in 1989, he suddenly got a proposal to take part in a training program on sales and marketing held by an Indian company. "Since I was not that busy in anything, I just decided to give it a shot," recalls Biplav Man Singh.     

After completing the program, some of my friends offered me the post of Sales Manager at CAS Trading House which I accepted.  This way, I got my professional career kick-started  in the ICT industry.”   After this, he continued to move ahead with great foresight and fortitude.  This, ultimately, has enabled him to carve an indelible image for himself in the industry. 

Gaining knowledge/skills, expanding horizons  

 At CAS Trading House, Singh looked after every aspect of trading computer hardware.  “From handling the process to obtaining a sales license to receiving the imported products at the Tribhuwan International Airport (TIA) and selling them at the marketplaces, he planned and executed the entire range of trading business. This facilitated him to acquire fundamental knowledge and skills in the related business. 

 And, following a one-year stint at the company, he commenced his own design house named “COMPASS” in partnership.  Singh, of course, gave 110 percent for the sake of the company. Apart from working for as many as 14 hours a day, he also used to come up with out-of-the-box professional strategies. “For instance, while designing the curriculum-related books of Bachelor in Education (B.Ed), our company first started the practice of inserting line numbers the enhancing the readability of such books.   

Apart from working for as many as 14 hours a day, he also used to come up with out-of-the-box professional strategies. “For instance, while designing the curriculum-related books of Bachelor in Education (B.Ed), our company first started the practice of inserting line numbers the enhancing the readability of such books.  

In 1997, Singh along with the same partners also commenced a software company- Mandala Software Pvt Ltd. As its Managing Director, he was responsible for chalking out major plans/policies and executing them.  His very professional responsibility was fulfilled by him in a simply fantastic way.  "The company produced the highest number of software related to airline companies, and police. immigration, etc during that period. It also started to develop the  Oracle database for the first time in Nepal. Likewise, Mandala came up with software related to accounting, inventory management, and simulation in a trendsetting manner.  

 Following the withdrawal of his partners, Singh decided to continue the software company solely under the name of Mandala System Pvt Ltd in 2007.   And, as of today, he has been handling it in the same position as the MD.   

"The company was also dogged by the global coronavirus pandemic that broke out some 3/4 years back. However, it is now getting back on track with the pandemic coming under control," he informed," Currently, the company, under his direct supervision, is in the final phase of launching an online shopping mall- the first digital product of its kind in Nepal.   It, among others, will feature separate clusters for the display of those Nepali products and services targeted towards the international market." 

Apart from Mandala System, Singh has been heading Nepal Certifying  Company (NCC) as its Managing Director, since 2013. This only company in Nepal is involved in the field of digital security by issuing Digital Signature Certificates.   "Despite some serious obstacles, the NCC has already managed to hit the break-even and is now striving to post profits," he shares.


Proactive Contributions to the ICT sector 

Singh is also someone who has done a lot for the development of the Nepali ICT industry. He made entry into the Computer Association of Nepal (CAN) in 2000 as its vice president and served in this position for 2 years.  Following this, Singh became the first president from 2002-2004 and finally president from 2004 to 2008. During his altogether 8-year-long stint at the CAN, he, of course, faced Herculean challenges to lead it smoothly.  For instance, there was a paucity of enough funds even to carry out its major functions like CAN Intech, an annual ICT fair. But, to overcome it, the Singh-led CAN,  came up with the idea of a strategic collaboration with tourism-related enterprises and media outlets.

During his altogether 8-year-long stint at the CAN, he, of course, faced Herculean challenges to lead it smoothly.  For instance, there was a paucity of enough funds even to carry out its major functions like CAN Intech, an annual ICT fair. But, to overcome it, the Singh-led CAN,  came up with the idea of a strategic collaboration with tourism-related enterprises and media outlets.

“ Under the very collaboration, raffles were sold to hotels travel agencies, etc and advertisements of the fair were published in print media. This, indeed, paid off by generating money required to execute major activities of the CAN,” he informed.  

Also, Singh worked in close collaboration with the concerned government bodies to bring out the Information Technology Policy in 2000. On behalf of the Association, provided crucial inputs to chalk out and meet the main objectives of the policy like making IT accessible to the general public, building a knowledge-based society, etc. “ he recalled. Similarly, this astute IT professional also took the lead in expanding the presence of the CAN by establishing its district chapters across the cou-ntry.  

His brief take on leveraging ICT for the country's development

The country should fully leverage the latest breakthroughs to help expedite socio-economic development. There is little doubt about this. In this regard, he specifically suggests that cloud computing could well be massively adopted for enhancing the productivity of the agriculture sector, a mainstay of the Nepalese economy.    

Cloud computing could well be massively adopted for enhancing the productivity of the agriculture sector, a mainstay of the Nepalese economy.    

The cloud-based technology assists in gathering vast data and information on various crucial aspects f agriculture like crop type, soil composition, irrigation applications, market trends, weather forecasting, etc.  With this, a better strategy can be formed and implemented to help bolster both the quality and quantity of `farm outputs.   

Singh recommends for devising a special plan to effectively digitalize every crucial sector of the country. This will be simply prudent if Nepal wants to grow and thrive in today's digital economy.  


Awards and Accolades 

In recognition of efforts made by him in the ICT sector of the country, Singh has bagged way the following awards and accolades: 

1. Gorkha Daksin Bahu (Third) 

2. Nagarik Samman 

3. CAN Long time contribution Award 

4. Jyapu Samman 

5. Rastriya Bikash Sewa Samman 2068 

6. Rastriya Sewa Samman 2071 

7. Information Technology National Award 2010 

8. Exito Awards 2022 


Singh is also currently an Advisor of the following organizations: 

1. Commodity Council, FNCCI 

2. ICT Development committee’ FNCCI 

3. Corporate Magazine (Monthly) 

4. Butwal Today (Daily) 


Personal Side 

1. Born on November 28, 1966, AD in Nagal, Kathmandu 

2. Has a spouse named Kamala Devi Singh and daughter- Christina Singh and a son Christopher Man Singh 

3. Did B. A. (Economics) in 1990 

 4. Spend leisure time singing songs with his  peers  and reading spiritual books