Training for Local Level Authorities on DRRM Launched

Training for Local Level Authorities on DRRM Launched

KATHMANDU, JUNE 19 :  The USAID in Nepal has launched training for newly elected local level authorities on disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM). The training, to be conducted at all 753 municipalities, aims to assist the municipal councils to draft the targeted DRRM laws, policies, and strategic plans of action.


“I hope this training will be beneficial in developing a common understanding on the roles and responsibilities of local government in terms of DRRM and identifying pressing DRRM issues and avenues for us to work together for mainstreaming DRRM,” Lorena Lando IOM Chief of Mission for Nepal said addressing the event held recently in the capital.


“The reality is that if a disaster strikes your municipality, residents will look upon your offices for immediate assistance and longer-term solutions. Preparedness and planning are key for best and timely responses as much as for the prevention and minimizing the risks through planning,” Lando added.


Speaking at the event, Elizabeth Hogan, Acting Deputy Mission Director at USAID/Nepal, said, “The well-being and continued success of Nepali communities is highly dependent on solid and equitable Disaster Risk Management. We look forward to continuing our partnership with the Government of Nepal and the local communities to address challenges on the pressing DRRM issues and avenues for us to work together for mainstreaming DRRM in the coming days.” 


Newly Elected Mayor of Chandragiri Municipality Ghanshyam Giri mentioned that earthquakes, floods, fire hazards and road accidents are some of the disaster threats to the municipality. With this two-day training, we expect to learn and deepen our understanding of disaster preparedness and response. Further, he added the smallest action of preparedness saves many human lives.


Joint Secretary, Rudra Singh Tamang from MoFAGA praised Chandragiri Municipality for setting the milestone in the path of Disaster Risk Reduction and management and hopefully, this will positively influence other municipalities to take DRRM action forward.


The 2017 monsoon in Nepal resulted in flooding across 35 of its 77 districts. Over 190,000 houses were destroyed or partially damaged, leaving tens of thousands of people displaced and homeless. Similarly, in the aftermath of the 2015 earthquakes, 2.8 million people were displaced with over 117,000 people in the 14 worst-affected districts forced to find shelter in makeshift camps.


The training is part of IOM’s support to the Government of Nepal in strengthening the legal framework and capacity of local levels for effective and efficient disaster prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery activities.


In the next five months, the USAID, in partnership with IOM and the Government of Nepal will train approximately 18,000 elected local level representatives and government officials based on the Disaster Risk Management Localization Manual: An Operational Training Manual for DRM Capacity Building of Local Governments.  These trainings will be organized by the project implementing partner consortium, led by the National Society for Earthquake Technology – Nepal (NSET) in partnership with Practical Action Consulting and Lutheran World Federation.