Vianet’s "Good with Internet" helps more than 15 families

Vianet’s "Good with Internet" helps more than 15 families

KATHMANDU, JUNE 21: Vianet Communications Pvt. Ltd. has continued its CSR campaign titled "Good with the Internet" for another year. The CSR initiative kicked off during the COVID-enforced lockdown to help people deprived of educational opportunities simply because they could not afford the internet.


"The initiative was started in response to the story of Pratibha Didi—who had come from Kavre to Kathmandu to educate her child but faced difficulties in the pandemic-enforced online world—posted by Human’s Kathmandu on their social media platform. After learning about the story, Vianet went ahead and supported the family with the internet to enable the child’s education," states a press release issued by the company.


In the second year of the initiative, Vianet helped people like Dalli Sister from Jumla—who has set up a street shop at Charapath’s junction to educate her four children, Amala Sister from Dolakha, who sells an eating items like panipuri at Kapan to educate her son and a daughter and the likes.

The company plans to help many such families in the coming years and has called for people to reach out to the company via their implementing partner.