Finance Ministry asked to ensure resources for building flovers in Ekantakuna and Sardobato

FEBRUARY 28 : The Department of Road (DoR) has asked the Ministry of Finance to ensure the resources required for constructing flyovers in Ekantakuna and Satdobato along the Ring Road, according to a media source.
"All tasks related to the related study are already accomplished and we urgently need the very assurance on the part the ministry to move the contract process of the project forward," a source of the DoR was quoted by the source as saying.
Three months back also, the DoR had requested the ministry for ensuring the resources, but the latter did not respond. So, this time again it asked for the same assurance stating that any persistent delay on the part of the ministry might make it impossible to carry out the contract-related process during the period of the current fiscal year.
It is estimated that the total cost to build the flyovers will stand at Rs 1.34 billion.
In a budget presented for the fiscal year 2022/23, the government has announced to build three flyovers in Ekantkun, Satdobato and Gwarko. However, only Gwarko has so far seen the beginning of flyover construction.